Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Tops the Japanese Charts, Doubling 3DS Sales


The weekly sales numbers for hardware and software from Japan are in, and it goes to show how crazy Japan is about Animal Crossing. The newly released spin-off of the series, Happy Home Designer, sold over half a million units on release, blasting it’s way to first place.

As can be expected, this also caused the sales of the 3DS to sky-rocket, nearly doubling from 28,874 to 55,124, most of which coming from the New Nintendo 3DS LL (The Japanese name for the XL) model.

As well as this, the Wii U and PlayStation 4 both saw slight improvements in sales over the last week, but all others declined slightly.

See the full breakdown of sales below:

Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales)

  1. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (Nintendo, 07/30/15) – 522,556 (New)
  2. [3DS] Yo-kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad (Nintendo, 07/11/15) – 107,945 (1,117,850)
  3. [PSV] IA/VT Colorful (Marvelous, 07/30/15) – 38,881 (New)
  4. [Wii U] Splatoon (Nintendo, 05/28/15) – 28,256 (483,413)
  5. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best+ (Nintendo, 06/11/15) – 14,382 (373,985)
  6. [PSV] Date A Live: Twin Edition Rio Reincarnation (Compile Heart, 07/30/15) – 13,107 (New)
  7. [PS3] Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi (Capcom, 07/23/15) – 12,029 (70,919)
  8. [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright / Conquest (Nintendo, 06/25/15) – 11,018 (388,794)
  9. [PSV] Ray Gigant (Bandai Namco, 07/30/15) – 8,673 (New)
  10. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition (SCE, 03/19/15) – 8,553 (272,040)
  11. [PSV] Taiko Drum Master: V Version (Bandai Namco, 07/09/15) – 7,464 (74,423)
  12. [Wii U] Yoshi’s Woolly World (Nintendo, 07/16/15) – 7,176 (50,067)
  13. [Wii U] Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo, 05/29/14) – 6,963 (1,081,476)
  14. [3DS] Corpse Party: Blood Covered:… Repeated Fear (5pb., 07/30/15) – 6,664 (New)
  15. [3DS] The Great Ace Attorney (Capcom, 07/09/15) – 6,090 (175,251)
  16. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo, 11/08/12) – 6,009 (4,013,053)
  17. [PS4] Batman: Arkham Knight (Warner Bros., 07/16/15) – 5,977 (67,053)
  18. [PS4] Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi (Capcom, 07/23/15) – 5,564 (40,725)
  19. [PSV] Makai Shin Trillion (Compile Heart, 07/23/15) – 5,221 (23,726)
  20. [PSV] KLAP!! Kind Love And Punish (Idea Factory, 07/30/15) – 5,047 (New)

Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)

  1. New 3DS LL – 44,994 (21,028)
  2. PlayStation 4 – 18,740 (17,656)
  3. PlayStation Vita – 13,214 (13,843)
  4. Wii U – 11,938 (11,257)
  5. New 3DS – 7,671 (5,753)
  6. PlayStation 3 – 2,540 (2,956)
  7. 3DS – 1,585 (1,286)
  8. 3DS LL – 874 (807)
  9. PlayStation Vita TV – 527 (642)
  10. Xbox One – 186 (211)

Source (via 4Gamer)

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