In Persona 3 Reload, you must face Shadow bosses every full moon in order to erase the Dark Hour and Tartarus from the world. The third boss you will fight in July are Hierophant and Lovers. In this guide, we will explain the two Shadow bosses’ weaknesses and the best strategy that you can use to defeat them with ease.
Persona 3 Reload Hierophant Boss Guide
Hierophant’s weaknesses and resistance in P3R:
- Weakness: None
- Resist: None
- Repel: None
- Null: Light and Dark
- Absorb: None
The first Shadow boss that you will face is Hierophant, and I recommend reaching Level 25 before the end of July. This Shadow mainly attacks using AoE Light magic, and if possible, you want to equip a Persona that resists or even nullifies Light magic.
Besides that, the monster can also use the Doomsday Doctrine skill, which can inflict Fear on your whole party. You can cure this status ailment by throwing Dis-Fear or casting Patra. Although your ally won’t get hurt by this status effect, it can cause them to become paralyzed and unable to perform an attack during their turn.
Best team composition to beat Hierophant in P3R:
- DPS: Akihiko
- Healer: Yukari
- Support: Protagonist & Mitsuru
At the start of the fight, you should debuff Hierophant and buff your party. Akihiko will be your main damage dealer because he can buff himself and use powerful physical attacks. Yukari will be your healer, and she can also use Sukunda on the boss. Mitsuru and the protagonist will support the team with debuffs and buffs, but they can also deal damage when you have a chance.
Persona 3 Reload Lovers Boss Guide
Lovers’ weaknesses and resistance in P3R:
- Weakness: None
- Resist: Pierce and Electric
- Repel: None
- Null: Fire
- Absorb: None
After defeating Hierophant, the team will get transported and mind-controlled by the second Shadow boss. You must snap yourself out of its control and destroy several mirrors in the hotel to unlock the barrier. Finally, you can face Lovers with Yukari having the first turn.
Lovers can use the Seductive Breath skill to increase ailment susceptibility. It will usually follow this move with Holy Arrow, which can inflict Charm on an ally. You want to remove this status ailment as soon as possible because the boss can unleash the Heartbreaker skill that can hit three times harder on a Charmed team member.
Best team composition to defeat Lovers in P3R:
- DPS: Akihiko
- Healer: Yukari
- Support: Protagonist & Mitsuru
You can use the same strategy as the one you used during the previous boss fight. Just make sure that you have Dis-Charm or use Patra on an ally inflicted with Charm. Then, you can hit the boss using physical attacks except Pierce to deal damage.
That’s the end of our guide on how to beat Hierophant and Lovers bosses. For more P3R content, you can read our post on how to raise each Social Stats.