Halloween 2018: GameLuster Plays Rose Cottage

GameLuster Plays Rose Cottage

Happy Halloween 2018! Or: whatever undead holiday you celebrate. In this episode of GameLuster Plays, Trevor takes on the role of a paranormal investigator for a frightening night in one of Thief 2‘s most impressive fan-made missions. Come watch!

GameLuster Plays Return to Castle Wolfenstein

For the Fourth, Trevor returns to his favorite Wolfenstein game and delights in killing Nazis, finding secret areas, and using Blazcowicz’ mighty foot.

Watch GameLuster play another first-person shooter classic, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Also be sure to check out our YouTube channel.


GameLuster Plays Thief – Down in the Bonehoard

Trevor journeys into the Bonehoard to steal the Horn of Quintus. Grab your cloak and rope arrow, and come on in! (Don’t mind the burricks.)

Watch GameLuster play Thief‘s second mission, Break from Cragscleft Prison. Also be sure to check out our YouTube channel.

GameLuster Plays FAR: Lone Sails

Trevor plays some of the beginning to Okomotive’s FAR: Lone Sails. Come watch to get a taste of this intriguing, atmospheric, scrolling vehicle game.

Watch GameLuster play The Swords of Ditto. Also be sure to check out our YouTube channel.