Lost Orbit Playable at GDC 2014

At this year’s Game Developers Conference, indie developer Pixelnauts will have a playable version of Lost Orbit, at several events, like the MIX and GDC Play on March 19, from 12pm – 2pm and Friday, March 21, from 12pm – 3pm.  There will also be extended sessions available by appointment on March 20th.

LOST ORBIT tells the story of Harrison, an astronaut and his struggle to return home. Despite his lack of resources, Harrison will relentlessly strive to survive hopeless conditions. Along his mission he encounters evidence that his accident was not an isolated incident and confronts a strange and dangerous alien race.

Gameplay Features
-Core mechanics include: orbiting, boosting, elemental planets, black holes, gas planets and a host of others

-Make your way through treacherous environments and strange alien technologies

LOST ORBIT features several modes including: campaign, challenge and endless mode

-A large variety of levels set over four distinct solar systems, each with their own unique game mechanics –lostorbitgame.com

Lost orbit is set to release for PC in Summer of 2014 with iOS and Android versions to follow.


Source- lostorbitgame.com

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