Sony is reportedly banning PlayStation 4 players are who exploiting a loophole that allows them to access the PlayStation 5’s PS Plus Collection. First reported by VGC, the collection is a library made up of 20 PS4 games, (ten first-party titles and ten third-party titles). These games are exclusive to the PlayStation 5 community, who pay a subscription fee to access them.
Some PlayStation 5 players have discovered a trick to exploit the collection. They’ll log in to the user accounts of PlayStation 4 players via their next-gen platforms. This causes the collection to become automatically available on the user’s PlayStation 4 console. There are listings on eBay that advertise the PS Plus Collection for the PlayStation 4 for a price. In Hong Kong, as a Twitter user describes below, thousands of PSN accounts have been banned across the country, as PlayStation 5 owners are being caught out selling access to the PS Plus Collection, and those with a PlayStation 4 console are paying to gain access.
Thousands of PSN accounts have been banned, and according to community discussions, these accounts are concentrated in HK(@PlayStationHK ), and have in common the receipt of Sony's PS Collection service for PS Plus, which contains serveral PS4 games for free.
— 王之乎 (@zhihuwong) November 26, 2020
The collection, which Sony describes as a “curated library of PS4 games that defined the generation” includes Batman Arkham Knight, Bloodborne, Fallout 4, God of War, Monster Hunter: World, and Persona 5.
Elsewhere for Sony fans, it’s been a difficult couple of weeks for those looking to upgrade to the PlayStation 5. Sony’s CEO, Jim Ryan, confirmed in an interview yesterday that all PlayStation 5 stock had sold out, during what he described as “an unusual, strange and frankly rather difficult year.”
“Everything is sold. Absolutely everything is sold. And everything will be sold in Russia, there’s no doubt about that.”
December’s free PS Plus games include Square Enix’s Just Cause 4, Rocket Arena, and Worms Rumble.
The PS5 launched on November 12 in the US, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea, before arriving in the UK and the rest of the world on November 19.