Batman Arkham Knight receives “M for Mature” rating in America

Batman Arkham Knight is coming up in just a couple of months but already we know that compared to the new game Batman’s previous outings might as well have been sunshine and rainbows or a light slowly seeping out of dark clouds. The ESRB has recently rated Batman Arkham Knight and awarded it an “M for Mature” rating, according to Rocksteady.

Both of the previous games in the trilogy Arkham Asylum and Arkham City bath with given “T for Teens” ratings. Sefton Hill, the founder of Rocksteady and game director of Batman Arkham Knight, has said the “M” rating suprised him because the team did specifically aim for it.

From our point of view, we never wrote it or made it with a rating in mind. We never did that in the previous two games… We just felt that this is the story that we really wanted to tell.

Hill has admitted he is aware that some younger fans may miss out on the game because of the rating, but making the game more “mass market” would damage the story they are trying to tell in Arkham Knight.

I’m not blind to the fact that [the M rating] does mean some fans will miss out… I don’t want to be oblivious to that fact. It would have been wrong to water down the game and deliver a story we didn’t believe in to keep the game ‘mass market’ or enable it for more people. We feel that’s the wrong way to go about it. We said we love the story and we don’t want to jepoardize that.

I am now hoping the game will be very dark and brooding and truly echo the dark nature of the caped crusader.

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