Cynthia: Hidden in the Moonshadow is an adventure exploration game which follows Cynthia as she attempts to locate an amulet needed to save her family and beloved boyfriend from the grasps of an evil cult.
On her journey, Cynthia encounters several puzzles and challenges that block her path. One of these puzzles is referred to as the ‘from left to right’ puzzle. This guide will cover how to find and solve this puzzle.
What Is The ‘From Left To Right’ Puzzle?
The ‘From left to right’ puzzle comes toward the end of Cynthia: Hidden in the Moonshadow in the caves of Chapter 4.
Cynthia comes across a book on a pedestal in the caves. The book reads “From the left to the right”.
This passage will give you an indication of how to solve the puzzle you will encounter once you walk through the blue curtain beside the book. Don’t worry, the hint makes a lot more sense once you walk through the curtain!
This puzzle requires you to walk through a series of curtains in the correct order to survive. Once you step through a curtain, you must walk into the marked circle in the center of the room to unlock the next set of doors. If you walk through the wrong curtain, Cynthia will fall into a pit in the floor and will have to start the puzzle over again.
What Does “From The Left To The Right” Mean?
Inside each room there is a square light blinking on the middle wall. This light will blink between one and three times. This gives you a clue as to which door you need to walk through.
Using the prompt “from the left to the right”, one blink represents the left, two blinks represent the middle, and three blinks represent the right. For example, this means if the light blinks three times you walk through the right curtain.
How Do You Solve The ‘From Left To Right’ Puzzle?
To start the puzzle, walk through the blue curtain behind the book. You will enter a room with three curtained doors: one on the left wall, one on the middle wall, and one on the right wall. There is a light blinking above the middle door in sets of three.
Walk through the door to the right and step onto the middle circle to get through room one.
In the second room there are two doors: a door to the left and a door in the middle. There is a light blinking above the middle door in sets of one.
Walk through the door to the left and step onto the middle circle.
There is only one door in room three. This door is to the right, and the light on the middle wall is blinking in sets of three. Walk through the right hand door and step onto the middle circle.
In the fourth room there are two doors: a door to the left and a door in the middle. There is a light blinking above the middle door in sets of one.
Walk through the door to the left and step onto the middle circle.
In the fifth room there is a light blinking above the middle door in sets of three. Walk through the door to the right and step onto the middle circle.
At this point, you have reached the end of the puzzle. Cynthia will say “Yes, I found a way out.” and there will be an open door in the middle of the room for you to leave and continue your journey.
That’s all you need to know to solve the ‘From left to right’ puzzle in Cynthia: Hidden in the Moonshadow. You can also check out GameLuster’s review of this game to learn more!