Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden for the Nintendo 3DS arrived last year to mixed appeal, there were many that praised the game, while others were quite negative, the popular consensus overall though was the game lacked Online Multiplayer which was a feature it apparently needed. This feature was added to the Japanese version of the game at the end of last year so hope for the rest of the world was quite high.
It may now be months later but Bandai Namco has finally revealed that “The Extreme Patch” will be arriving in Europe on April 7th. Along with adding online multiplayer to the game the update will also include a training mode, an extreme survival mode as well as new Z-assist characters. Usual update things will also be applied including the usual balancing tweaks and adjustments.
No word has been given as of yet to when this update will hit North America, however European Dragon Ball Z fans may find a reason to play the game with this new update in place