There are some good news for EA consumers. According to Co-Optimus magazine, EA is on the process of taking way the online pass function. for those who doesn’t have any idea of what that is, the online pass is a code that gives you access to online features, and sometimes bonus content in different games. The thing is that you cannot use it more than once, so if you buy an used game, you will have to buy the code online at the EA official website.
EA stated:
 “As we discontinue Online Pass for our new EA titles, we are also in the process of eliminatin it from all our existing EA titles as well. We heard the feedback from players and decided to do away with Online Pass altogether.”
It seems that EA will begin with the EA sports titles, but hopefully, by the end of this year it would be just a bad dream.
I really like the fact of EA developing the new Star Wars videogames, I mean, The Old Republic was developed by them and it has incredible cinematics and a very enjoyable story mode. In EA I trust.
Source: Co-Optimus