“Eurovision”-Style Contest For Gamescom Announced

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced several gaming industry events to an online format. It’s demanded that companies and trade organizations come up with novel solutions to intractable situations. And with the online version of Gamescom coming up, it’s unexpectedly sparked an idea which sounds crazy enough to work.

The EuroPlay Games Contest will be held on August 28, concurrent with other digital Gamescom events. Billed as “the Eurovision of games,” it’s the product of seven European trade organizations: UKIE (UK), the Czech Game Developers Association, the Flemish Games Association (Belgium), the Romanian Game Developers Association, the Serbian Games Association, the Latvian Games Association, and the organizers of Poland’s Games Industry Conference. Interestingly, the Australian Interactive Games & Entertainment Association is also getting involved.

Each trade organization will be selecting their particular finalist via public voting on Twitter. UKIE plans to be conducting their usual UK Game of The Show competition, a staple event of Gamescom, before the Twitter vote format to select their entry. Voting will begin on August 24.

As for the event itself, and the announcement of the winner, it is reportedly going to be streamed on Twitch, with UK gaming TV personality Mr. Midas serving as MC. The selected developers will be making their presentations through a trailer of their game. During the contest period, journalists, influencers, and publishers will be joining the finalists in a dedicated videoconference call to find out more about the entries. “Indie games are the heartbeat of this industry, an incredible hub for devs to flex their creative muscles! I’m beyond excited and honoured to be hosting the EuroPlay Contest,” said Midas.

The head of UKIE, Dr. Jo Twist, remarked, “We’re really excited to throw the UK Game of the Show contest open to the world on Twitch. This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the amazing creativity of UK game developers and give unreleased games a valuable moment in the spotlight.”

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