Two of the biggest ideas that are in the game industry are narrative driven adventures, and dating simulators. An upcoming PC game called Event[0] seeks to merge some of the ideas of the genre’s to make for an interesting story experience, essentially the goal of this game is to get a computer to do what you want, the trick is that you lead to build a connection to help with its lonely woes.
This computer is in a deep pit of depression and you must use real language to help it escape from its troubles, and its deep and sad pit of loneliness.
Event[0] started life as a student project, but France’s CNC public arts organization and the Indie Fund took a liking to the project and helped to fund it and allow the creator to further explore this idea. These are the games that are exciting and deserve attention and soon you can try this game for yourself, and I can see it being a huge hit.
Event[0] has been revealed to be coming to Steam and the Humble Store this September, and you can see more of the game in the trailer below: