Obsidian Entertainment, which has given us Fallout: New Vegas and the upcoming South Park: The Stick of Truth is teasing a new role playing game codenamed “Project X.” GameSpot reported on it a few days ago and found on Obsidian’s webpage a number 4 inside a round symbol. Below the page were the mysterious words, “What do the words mean?” and “Nothing. The Dirge of Eir Glanfath is found without form, a lone voice crying out in mourning because it must.”
I checked it for myself and I saw something a little different; a 1 inside a round symbol with the words, “This world wants to drag us down, it does. It made you a Watcher. No one asks for that. And the weight, that guilt they want to hang around my neck, you don’t have to carry it one more step. You think they won’t let you rest, but it’s not up to them. It never was.” So apparently they’ve been counting down to the announcment of a new RPG with some clues every day, and tomorrow we’ll know what all this is about. The source code of the page also has a line that I know absolutely nothing about. Today’s source code says, “There is no sleep for the Watcher.” Interesting.
Eurogamer meanwhile is searching the web and speculating what the new game is and what it will be called. How does Eternity sound?
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