Nintendo shocked fans with the surprising reveal that GameCube classic Luigi’s Mansion is coming to the Nintendo 3DS during the latest Nintendo Direct. Besides the obvious question asking why the game isn’t coming the the Switch, people were not sure what to think of the game coming to a system they thought would be dead, but the game is coming and some people are excited.
One of the big questions regarding the port was who would was handling it. Speculation suggested Luigi’s Mansion was being done by Next Level Games, considering their involvement with Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, but a listing on the Australian Classification Board website has revealed that it is fact Grezzo handling this port.
Grezzo is known for its handheld ports, making its name with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, so enlisting this group to port Luigi’s Mansion makes a lot of sense. Grezzo has more recently created its own game with last year’s Ever Oasis for the 3DS.
With Next Level Games being ruled out of this port, it makes you wonder what they are working on now. Perhaps we will find out more from them at E3. Perhaps they are working on a Luigi’s Mansion for the Switch.