Lego Jurassic World releasing on June 12th, new gameplay trailer

When it was announced a while back, Lego Jurassic World captured many of our attentions thanks to the strange teaser as well as the humorous take on the Jurassic Park franchise we saw in the last trailer. The only thing we were waiting for was a release date, one thing that Warner Brothers Interactive has been nice enough to supply, the game is set to arrive on June 12th and this particular Lego game looks like it could be worth it.

The publisher has also announced that the game will have a series of pre-order bonuses, there is honestly nothing that really screams out that you have to pre-order the game to get them but if you want it here are the offers for America:

– GameStop – LEGO Dino Trap Mini Playset
– Target – Dr. Wu Minifigure
– Walmart – $10 Movie Cash Certificate

Along with this a new gameplay trailer was passed along, so it is time to get ready for action and comedy as you watch this trailer:

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