Capcom is working hard to provide a variety of quality ports of older games for the Switch. In May, we got Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers, and Capcom recently released the Resident Evil Revelations Collection.
For their next release on the Switch, Capcom’s going a little more retro with collections that were previously released on all major platforms (except the Wii U) in August 2015 and August 2017. They’re bringing both Mega Man Legacy Collections to the Switch in spring 2018 to join Mega Man 11, also announced for Switch.
For those unfamiliar with these collections, Capcom packaged together the entire Mega Man series into two games, the first through Mega Man 10.
The big addition to this version will be a rewind feature, like in Rare Replay. Players will be able to rewind the game, like to save themselves from death. An update will add this to all other versions.
If you want to play Mega Man on the go and the 3DS versions aren’t quite cutting it, then be sure to keep an eye out for the Switch release of the Mega Man Legacy Collections. It’d be good prep for Mega Man 11.
Featured image from Nintendo Wire.