Minecraft Legends: How To Increase Inventory Size

From Prismarine to Gold, you will collect various resources to create all kinds of structures in Minecraft Legends. Although you may feel that you have an abundance of materials initially, you may soon need more storage capacity, especially when constructing certain buildings, such as the Masonry. So, without further ado, here’s a guide on how to get more inventory space in Minecraft Legends!

Minecraft Legends Inventory Guide

The only way to increase inventory size in Minecraft Legends is to build more improvement structures at the Well of Fate. The kind of building that you need will depend on which materials you want to store more of.

If you want to carry more Wood and Stone, you must construct the Allay Storage improvement. This structure will increase the storage limit of several resources, which include:

  • +500 Wood
  • +500 Stone
  • +150 Lapis
  • +150 Gold
  • +150 Prismarine

Minecraft Legends Allay Storage

You will need 100 Stone, 100 Prismarine, and 10 Gold to build one Allay Storage. There’s no limit on the number of structures you can construct, but the game enforces a soft restriction in the form of improvement hubs space.

You will only be given four improvement hubs and cannot build more. If you’ve already filled out all available spots, then you won’t be able to upgrade anymore. So, think carefully before you build!

Unfortunately, the Allay Storage improvement cannot increase the capacity limit of rare materials. In this case, you must build the corresponding Gather structures near the improvement hubs. The following Gather improvements can be built:

  • Gather Redstone
  • Gather Iron
  • Gather Diamond
  • Gather Coal

For example, if you want to store more Redstone, you must create another Gather Redstone improvement at the Well of Fate. For every structure you build, you will increase the capacity of that resource by 150. Each Gather structure will only cost 100 Stone and 100 Prismarine, which is quite cheap.

That is everything you need to know about increasing inventory size in Minecraft Legends. GameLuster has more guides you may be interested in, such as changing the difficulty level. If you need more help or have any questions about Minecraft Legends, please write them down in the comment section below!