Nintendo 3DS Sales Going Crazy in Japan

Nintendo is kicking butts in Japan. While the PS3 has been out there for over six years, the Nintendo 3DS has sold more copies in less than two years in japan. This does not surprise me at all, I mean, the 3DS is an excellent system and the Japanese gamers do not care about graphics or online multiplayer that much, contrary to us in America. Here are the numbers of this past week sales in Japan, the lifetime sales are in parenthesis.

Wii U: 308,142 (308,142)

3DS: 211,499 (8,799,378)

PS3: 36,994 (8,716,260)

PSP: 19,637 (19,488,236)

PS Vita: 11,039 (1,074,621)

Wii: 6,714 (12,608,700)

Xbox 360: 1,216 (1,608,399)

PS2: 904 (21,829,112)

DS: 424 (32,875,469)

Source: IGN

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