Nintendo is putting a lot of work into Splatoon with promotions and more, the latest one being Nintendo bringing a Splatoon Wii U bundle to North America and Europe.
People who end up buying this new console bundle will find themselves with a Wii U console as well as a copy of Splatoon. Between Europe and North America there will a notable difference in the bundles however as European Splatoon Wii U bundles will arrive with a physical copy of the game, meanwhile North Americans will receive a digital copy of Splatoon. Another major difference is in North America the bundle will come with a pre-installed copy of Nintendo Land, while Europeans will be given a trail for Wii Karoke U instead.
Should you live in Europe and want this bundle you will have to wait a few weeks after the game arrives to get the bundle as it will not arrive until June 19th. If you already own a Wii U I would personally recommend just buying the game. If you live in North America the bundle will arrive with Splatoon on May 29th.