Nintendo is known for announcements that many of us would never expect and during today’s Digital Event Nintendo didn’t fail to deliver on that game, prior to this presentation I believe many of us expected Pokemon and many of us of course expected Legend of Zelda Wii U, but I must admit I was a bit confused when one game turned up on the screen. We usually expect Mario to have a presence with Nintendo’s announcement but even I couldn’t have expected this, so what is it you may be asking, I haven’t seen the presentation yet and can’t be bothered watching it so what is this messed up game you are on about.
Well I will explain while watching the presentation I looked at the screen confused when I saw the original Super Mario Brothers game appear on the screen, I thought to myself, really are they seriously over using the classic game even more,of course know I know my thoughts and concerns were unnecessary. This was because suddenly it showed editing tools and being able to edit levels and create my own, oh how excited this made me when I considered how much fun  could potentially have with this. For those concerned about this game however should hold off on your worries as Nintendo has gone and also used the engine from New Super Mario Bros U and that creates a whole lot more potential. I think many of us will have fun creating our own challenges and I can’t wait to see how this turns out. Mario Maker is set to arrive on the Wii U sometime in 2015.