Project Zomboid Build 42 Guide: The New Aiming System Explained

Project Zomboid’s new update, Build 42, is out on an unstable branch of the game. One of its major changes is a complete overhaul of the guns and aiming gameplay. In previous builds, guns used an auto-aiming feature that shot at the closest enemy in the general direction you were pointing at, and the accuracy increased according to your aiming skill. But now, you actually need to aim with your reticle, and the gunplay has become much more active and engaging. Many conditions can affect your accuracy and damage with guns, and, if you are used to the previous versions of the game or are new to Project Zomboid, you might find it hard to use guns in the beginning. In this guide, you can find information about every new aiming-related feature and advice on how to best utilize firearms.

Everything To Know About The New Aiming System

Project Zomboid Build 42 Shooting a zombie in the fog.
Using guns in the fog is dangerous for two reasons; the fog will reduce your accuracy, and it also prevents you from seeing and locating zombies that are outside of your view range –  but they still can hear and locate you from the gunshots.

In Build 42 of Project Zomboid, when you aim with a firearm equipped, you will see a new reticle that you can use to aim with. The radius of this reticle changes based on the accuracy of your shot, so it’s harder to hit your target when your reticle is too large. You want to take shots with a smaller reticle whenever possible.

These are some of the major conditions that can impact your aim when shooting a gun:

  • Your aiming skill: The higher your skill, the more accurate your shots will be.
  • Your distance from your target: It’s easier to hit targets that are closer to you.
  • Your aiming time and movement: Aiming takes time, and moving or shooting immediately will reduce your accuracy.
  • Your moodles: Negative moodles, such as panic or pain, will reduce your accuracy.
  • The weather: Weather conditions such as wind, fog, or rain will reduce your accuracy.
  • Your clothing: Wearing heavy headgear can limit your vision and reduce your accuracy.

All of these can positively or negatively impact your aim, so pay attention to these details before heading out to clear a zombie-infested point of interest with your firearms.

How To Best Utilize Firearms In Build 42

Project Zomboid Build 42 Shooting at zombies with an assault rifle.
With a high aiming skill, a powerful firearm, and tons of ammo, you can clear some of the most populated areas on the map.

If you want your characters to specialize in using guns, you first want to maximize your aiming skill in character creation. Police Officer, and especially Veteran, are the best occupations for gunplay. Hunter and Eagle-Eyed are also traits that can improve your aim significantly. While your aiming skill is low, weapons such as pistols or shotguns are a great choice to level up your skill faster, but, at high levels, sniper rifles and assault rifles can provide you with better range and damage.

If you don’t have the Veteran occupation, having beta-blockers is crucial when fighting large groups of zombies. The panic moodle has a devastating negative modifier to your accuracy, so you need to get rid of it before using your guns. Painkillers are also an important requirement in case of injury or muscle strain, as pain also reduces your accuracy.

Finally, just like in Build 41, using guns in Project Zomboid has its risks. While they are the easiest way to kill zombies, their sound can attract hordes of the undead from a large radius and bring them to your location. Whenever you want to use guns, make sure you have a lot of ammo, or at least have an escape plan in mind.

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