Sony has unveiled the games that will come to PlayStation Plus in November. Past months have been active, with major games such as Until Dawn, Infamous: Second Son, and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, but November is a quieter month from Sony.
On the PS4, you will be getting Worms Battlegrounds. For those who don’t know the franchise, the games are set on a 2D plane and use a turn-based style where you try to eliminate another team with a variety of weaponry. PS4 owners will also get Bound, a rhythmic platformer where all your movements occur in the form of dance. Though a dance game, it has a deep narrative if you choose to explore it.
PS3 owners will be getting R-Type Dimensions, a classic side-scrolling shoot-em-up from 1998 (released in arcades and on the original PlayStation) repacked with updated graphics and both installments in the R-Type franchise. The other game is Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fist of the Plastic. In this game you play as a string puppet and control its arms, legs and the like as you fight enemies; the game has been related to playing with action figures.
Finally Vita owners will get Dungeon Punks (also available through cross-buy with PS4). This game is an old-school arcade beat-em-up that features tag-team fighting and a full RPG-style adventure. Vita owners also get Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse, a throwback to the series’ origins focusing on 2D graphics. The game has a point-and-click interface to guide your protagonists on their journey to solve the mystery of a cursed painting.