You know what I think Sakurai is trying to get quite a bit of male attention in Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U and 3DS as today’s picture is quite well suggesting. While strictly Sakurai is explaining that Smash Brothers will feature some alternate costumes for Zero Suit Samus I can’t help but have my own thoughts turn towards what many males will be thinking, trust me I have read enough random game articles to know primarily that people believe that Zero Suit Samus is one of the most attractive Video Game characters constantly insinuated by the nice personality references made about the character. So here is Sakurai’s latest picture of the day for you to see and I am certain if you are a male stare at.
Pic of the day. Looking at the number of days we have left for development, it would be an impossible task to create this… That’s what I told my staff. But thanks to the determination of her female designer, these Zero Suit outfits got completed in time. From the ending of Metroid: Zero Mission, here’s Samus in shorts!
See do you see what I am talking about. I know this costume decision is strictly because of a Metroid game reference but still it is an interesting costume choice that I didn’t see coming particularly from Nintendo. I now wonder what is next?