Superhot: Mind Control Delete Coming Out July 16

Superhot Team, the developers of time-stop FPS Superhot, has announced a standalone expansion to their 2016 sleeper hit will be releasing on July 16. Titled Superhot: Mind Control Delete, it initially started as a free DLC add-on and got big enough over a three year Early Access period to release as a full product.

As game and art director Marcin Surma explains, “We started work on MCD in early 2017. The plan was to limit ourselves, keep it small, and sort out a small DLC to ship for free by the end of that year. Turns out, we’re not very good at limiting ourselves.”

With the amount of time and effort which was put into Superhot: Mind Control Delete, it’s not entirely surprising it’s getting the full treatment. It does not require the original game to play but uses the same mechanics and setting.


Superhot Team states it’s four times larger than Superhot. With roguelike procedural generation of levels, a significantly larger number of weapons, and an array of different “characters” that players can take control of to experience different playstyles with, it certainly appears that the effort has paid off in terms of giving players plenty to do.

As far as platforms, Superhot: Mind Control Delete will be available on PC (through Steam, GOG.Com, Epic Games Store, Humble Store, and even EA Origin), Mac, Linux, PS4, and Xbox One.  The only platform it will not be released on is Nintendo Switch, though Superhot Team has indicated that a Switch release is upcoming. And to add to the excitement, they are offering the expansion for free to anybody who previously bought Superhot.

They have a FAQ set up detailing how players can claim their free copy based on their particular platform. The only caveat is that you have to have owned the game before July 16. Superhot Team estimates they will be giving away over two million copies of Superhot: Mind Control Delete based on Superhot ownership alone.

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