Apparently the gaming community weren’t the only ones to notice the terrific story in Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us. In addition to winning multiple awards, including Game of the Year, the 2013 post-apocalyptic is now set to have a live movie adaptation, according to a report from the folks over at Deadline.
The script for the movie will be written by Niel Drukmann, and the creative direction for the game will be handled by Druckmann alongside Game Director Bruce Straley, and Naughty Dog co-presidents Evan Wells and Christophe Balestra. Reportedly the Naughty Dog staff will be teaming up with Ghost House Pictures and the director of Spider-Man, Sam Raimi. Upon release, the movie is set to be distributed by Sony’s very own Screen Gems.
Evan Wells commented, calling the combination of Ghost House and Screen Gems a perfect fit. Wells went on to say “Since our game released last June, we’ve talked with many companies about making a film, but we couldn’t have found better partners who share our creative vision and high standards.”
Judging from the log-line for the film, it is set to be a direct adaptation of the game, bringing the story of The Last of Us to a greater audience than just the gaming community. While many would agree that a movie simply set in the world would be a better fit, given the state of the majority of game-to-movie adaptations, we here at GameLuster are cautiously optimistic. No news yet about who will play the iconic duo Joel and Ellie, but no doubt the community at large has their eyes on actress Ellen Page for the role of Ellie.