Well here is another game delay, Eiji Aonuma has revealed that the highly anticipated Wii U Zelda game has been delayed into 2016, this was announced in a new video by the Zelda producer. In this video he stated that the game would not be coming in 2015 like originally announced instead they analyzed their progress and though it would be wise to delay the game. Here is Aonuma’s comment:
“As I have watched our development progress, I have come to think that rather than work with meeting a specific schedule as our main objective, and releasing a game that reflects only what we can create within that scheduled time, I feel strongly that our focus should be to bring all of these ideas to life in a way that will make Zelda on Wii U the best game it can possibly be,” Aonuma explained. “So I must apologize to all of you who were expecting the game by year’s end, but we are no longer making a 2015 release our number one priority. Instead, our priority is to make it the ultimate and most complete Zelda game.”
You can watch the video in full below.
A sad day for Wii U owners but hopefully this will make the best product that they can make, lets just hope that all other Wii U games such as Star Fox do not get delayed also other wise I feel the Wii U would be in danger.