How are you enjoying your time with Titanfall? Are you even still playing it or has craze started wearing out? If you are one of these people who has started losing interest because you almost literally done everything then you will want to pick the game up again when the new DLC coming very soon.
To be more exact the upcoming Titanfall DLC ‘Expedition’ will be out May 15th. Yes this Thursday, and it will release on the PC and Xbox One. EA and Respawn announced this, and have also said that the DLC will be out on the Xbox 360 this June.
Expedition offers three new maps – Runoff, Swampland and War Games. Pricing for the DLC is set at $9.99, though players can choose to purchase the season pass and pick up all three pieces of extra content for $24.99.
So now Titanfall fans it is time to look forward to more battles and more fun in the new maps. Time to jump into your mechs and battle, have fun this Thursday.