Xbox One coming to China in September.

The Xbox One has not done so well in its launch as the Playstation 4 or Wii U, by that I do not mean in sales. While the Playstation 4 and Wii U can be bought in many countries the Xbox One has not been so fortunate. To date it is availiable in major countries such as America, England, Australia among a couple of others. However the console has not managed to get into most of the markets that the consoles competitors are already in, however it may be almost a year on by the time it launches, but the Xbox One is finally making its way to more countries and first stop is China when the Xbox One officially launches in September.

Here is a video about the consoles launch in China:

This is also big news as until recently game consoles were banned in parts of China so Microsoft can go test the market with all the games and software it has at its disposal.

Source: Microsoft PR

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