XCOM 2 seemed like a sure thing that it would only arrive on PC, and would stay well away from consoles, in fact this seemed like Firaxis goal. This bred concerns that many console players who liked the franchise would be forced to miss out on this game, and yet his makes 2K’s surprise announcement all the sweeter. 2K has confirmed that XCOM 2 will be coming to the Playstation 4 and Xbox One, and this is something I don’t think many of us saw coming.
The PC version was released back in February, and is pretty well liked, the game had to have a few bugs ironed out but I feel that this time will make the console ports better, they had time to refine the games. For those wanting to jump into the mass strategy of XCOM 2 you will be able to get the game on September 6th, and here is the short and unimportant announcement trailer: