How about a twist in the story, Electronic Arts and DICE have revealed the next installment in the Battlefield franchise, but where many of us were expecting Battlefield 5 instead we have Battlefield 1, yes how is that for a twist.
Battlefield 1 will do what fans have been wanting for some time, it takes shooters back to their simplest form returning us to World War 1, a setting that it is baffling that we return to so rarely.
DICE’s goal with Battlefield 1 was to create the largest, most dynamic battles ever. Players will battle in war-torn France, across the burning Italian coast, and the sun-soaked sand dunes of the Arabian Desert. Despite taking place in the past, Battlefield 1 will continue to honor the legacy of the franchise.
The massive 64-player multiplayer will return with players battling across land, air, and sea. In terms of weapons and vehicles, players will get a lot to play around with. Tanks, planes, machine guns, and artillery are all in this game with plenty of new additions to play around with. While no official information has been given DICE did heavily hint that players will be able to mount and ride horses. Players will also be able to wield mustard gas, one of the deadliest substances used in the war. Destruction, a series staple with the exception of Battlefield 4 will also be returning in a big way in Battlefield 1.
Battlefield 1 will be making its gameplay debut at E3 this year during the EA Play events in Los Angeles and London. DICE has also revealed that sometime in the future Battlefield 4 will be receiving an Open Beta, for this particular beta Battlefield Insider subscribers will be getting first access.
Battlefield 1 is out October 21 worldwide on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Those who pre-order and purchase the $80 Early Enlister Edition will get the game October 18. You can watch Battlefield 1’s reveal trailer below and go back to a simpler time for war, while war never changes, when it had meaning this game should hopefully explore: