Disgaea 1 Complete finally has a release date.
Disgaea 1 Complete will release on October 9 in North America, and October 12 in Europe. The release date was revealed during a new trailer, which can be seen below. The game will feature updated HD visuals, and English and Japanese audio options. It will also include English and French text options.
It was announced earlier this year that a limited edition of the game will be available. The limited edition includes a copy of the game, an official soundtrack, a hardcover art book, and an enamel pin set. It will also include two limited edition tear-resistant posters, a Prinny coaster set, a Noppai Etna mouse pad, a Prinny cube plush, a Rosen Queen certificate of authenticity, and a Prinny pouch collector’s box. This edition of the game will run gamers $99.99. It can be pre-ordered at the NIS America Online Store.
Disgaea 1 Complete will release on October 9. The game will release on the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
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