Final Fantasy has never been more important then right now, with Final Fantasy XV arriving in the coming months, and a remake of Final Fantasy VII in the works there is plenty for fans of the franchise to pine over, but yet there is more. Square Enix has pulled back the curtain on another huge game that fans have been anxiously waiting for, a remaster of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age which has been revealed to be coming to the Playstation 4 sometime in 2017.
This particular version of the game will be based on the Japan exclusive Zodiac Job System version and will include a job system, both English and Japanese audio, an auto-save feature, shorter loading times, a turbo mode, and music that you can switch between the new records and the original along with graphical improvements.
A teaser trailer has been released for the game, this shows off the various graphical improvements that the new version will have as it joins the many other Final Fantasy remasters that come before it. You can watch the trailer below: