Fire Emblem Warriors’ Awakening DLC Out March 28

Fire Emblem Warriors’ third planned DLC is coming out on March 28. This pack has characters and maps from Fire Emblem Awakening, as well as some extra goodies for good measure.

The highlight of this pack are the characters. This time around, players can use Tharja, Owain and Olivia. Owain and Tharja appear to be clones of other units; Owain plays in the same style as Ryoma and Tharja is much like Robin. To set them apart a bit, they will have stat variations and new skills. For example, Tharja will have her own unique skill “Vengeance.”

The last character to be included, Olivia, is a completely original unit with brand new attacks and abilities. Her weapon is a sword, and her special skill is “Galeforce.” As always, along with new characters are new support conversations. When two characters gain enough support, unique conversations will unlock. For example, Tharja can have a conversation with Robin.

Fire Emblem Awakening, Owain

New Awakening-themed maps will be included in the History Mode: Scions of Legend, Emmeryn, and Caravan Dancer, each featuring one of the new characters. Playing through these maps will also unlock new weapons for all characters from Fire Emblem Awakening, both new to the game and old.

Playing History Mode will unlock new costumes as well, including Chrom’s Exalt costume, Lissa’s Sage costume, and Cordelia’s Dark Flier costume. Other cosmetics include new armor break models for all Awakening characters.

The Fire Emblem Awakening DLC Pack is the final pack included in the Fire Emblem Warriors season pass. It is not known if this will be the final DLC or if additional content will be added later. Regardless, players will have a good deal of additional content to dig into with the release of this pack this week. The season pass can be purchased for $19.99 and includes all previous DLC, or each pack can be bought individually for $8.99 each.

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