First print copies of Rodea: The Sky Soldier for Wii U will come with the Wii game overseas

Rodea the Sky Soldier has been on a long journey to seeing a release but it is good to know that the game will be arriving sooner rather then later. It was confirmed weeks ago that the game would be coming to the Wii U, Wii and the 3DS, however if you are looking for the Wii game as well as the Wii U game then you may only have one brief opportunity to be able to achieve this goal. it has been confirmed by NIS America that all first print releases of Rodea the Sky Soldier on the Wii U will also include a Wii version of the game, this in fact was creator Yuji Naka’s original vision for the game. As of now this offer is known to apply to North America and Europe. Just note that this is only for retail and when the first print copies run out this offer will expire and the Wii version will no longer be included.

Source: NIS America PR

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