Five Night’s at Freddy’s has become an immensely popular franchise since its debut on PC in 2014, and it looks like many more people will be able to get in on the horror action soon. The games developer Scott Cawthorn is currently in talks with several companies who have an interest in bringing the games to consoles. This was not generally announced, but the reveal was made due to Cawthorn answering a fans question where they asked if the games would ever come to consoles. To answer the question he was very direct and did not leave any room to wonder about his response. He directly stated:
“Actually, yes! It will happen. I’m talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games.”
It may take some time for these games to be released due to the fact that they generally can’t be ported and have to be remade. This is all due to the games engine that they were built on for PC which was ClickTeam Fusion 2.5, this of course is incompatible with consoles.
This is a great opportunity for those who want to play the games but never got a chance before. Lets just hope when they arrive we might perhaps receive them in a bundle including the varying games.