Genshin Impact Mika Material Guide: Ascension and Talent Level-up Materials and Where to Get Them

Mika Schmidt is an upcoming 4-star playable character from the Mondstadt region. He is a young knight born into a simple family who works as a front-line surveyor in his company. He is a very low-key and cautious man who uses a polearm to take down his enemies. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on this 4-star Cyno character, you’ll need some essential materials to upgrade him and his weapons to their maximum potential. In this post, we’ll explain what Mika’s Ascension and Talent level-up materials are and how to get them.

Mika’s Ascension Materials

Ascension Level Ascension Materials Mora

Shivada Jade Sliver x1

Wolfhook x3

Recruit’s Insignia x3


Shivada Jade Fragment x3

Wolfhook x10

Recruit’s Insignia x15

Pseudo-Stamens x2


Shivada Jade Fragment x6

Wolfhook x20

Sergeant’s Insignia x12

Pseudo-Stamens x4


Shivada Jade Chunk x3

Wolfhook x30

Sergeant’s Insignia x18

Pseudo-Stamens x8


Shivada Jade Chunk x6

Wolfhook x45

Lieutenant’s Insignia x12

Pseudo-Stamens x12


Shivada Jade Gemstone x6

Wolfhook x60

Lieutenant’s Insignia x24

Pseudo-Stamens x20


Mika’s Talent Level-Up Materials

Talent Level Talent Level-up Materials Mora

Teachings of Ballad x3

Recruit’s Insignia x3


Guide to Ballad x2

Sergeant’s Insignia x3


Guide to Ballad x4

Sergeant’s Insignia x4


Guide to Ballad x6

Sergeant’s Insignia x6

6 Guide to Ballad x9

Sergeant’s Insignia x9

7 Philosophies of Ballad x4

Lieutenant’s Insignia x4

Puppet Strings x1

8 Philosophies of Ballad x6

Lieutenant’s Insignia x6

Mirror of Mushin x1

9 Philosophies of Ballad x12

Lieutenant’s Insignia x9

Mirror of Mushin x2


Philosophies of Ballad x16

Lieutenant’s Insignia x12

Mirror of Mushin x2

Crown of Insight


Where to Get Mika’s Ascension and Talent Materials


Below we have shared the details on how you can get Mika’s Ascension and Talent level-up materials in Genshin Impact:

  • Shivada Jade Sliver: You can get it from the drop of Cyro Regisvine and Cyro Hypostases.
  • Wolfhook: You can get it in Mondstadt in Wolvendom, a subarea located in Windwail Highland.
  • Recruit’s Insignia: You can get it from the drop of Skirmishers and electro Cicin Mages.
  • Shivada Jade Fragment: You can get it either by crafting using Shivada Jade Sliver or from the drop of Cyro Regisvine and Cyro Hypostases.
  • Pseudo-Stamens: You can get it from the drop of Setekh Wenut.
  • Sergeant’s Insignia: You can get it either by crafting using Recruit’s Insignia or from the drop of Skirmishers and electro Cicin Mages.
  • Shivada Jade Chunk: You can get it either by crafting using Shivada Jade Fragment or from the drop of Cyro Regisvine and Cyro Hypostases.
  • Lieutenant’s Insignia: You can get it either by crafting using Sergeant’s Insignia or from the drop of Skirmishers and electro Cicin Mages.
  • Shivada Jade Gemstone: You can get it either by crafting using Shivada Jade Chunk or from the drop of Cyro Regisvine and Cyro Hypostases.
  • Teachings of Ballad: It can be obtained by completing the Forsaken Rift on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
  • Guide to Ballad: It can be obtained by clearing the Forsaken Rift on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. It can also be crafted from the Teachings of Ballad.
  • Philosophies of Ballad: You can get it by clearing the Forsaken Rift on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday or craft it from Guide to Ballad.
  • Mirror of Mushin: You can get it from the drop of Shouki no Kami, a Prodigal challenge reward.
  • Crown of Insight: You can get it from a limited-duration event reward.
  • Mora: You can get it by performing several activities in the game, such as Blossom of Wealth, Missions, Events, Daily commission, Souvenir Shop, Domain, etc.

That’s all in this Genshin Impact Mika’s Ascension and Talent level-up material guide. If you have any questions, comment below and let us know!

Genshin Impact is a gacha-based game currently available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Android, iOS, and PC platforms.

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