Konami shutting down Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 online servers

For many sports game players they move onto the newest game as fast as they get the opportunity as a new one launches they jump ship and put their attention to the newest release. For the rare few though this is not the case and unfortunately for these people they will be losing some of their game. Konami is getting set to close the online servers for their older soccer game PES 2014 (or as I prefer Pro Evolution Soccer 2014) as of November 17th meaning players will be forced to upgrade to a newer release in order to keep playing online.

The reason Konami has provided for the shutdown is because they want to pull online support to the older game so they can instead focus on PES 2015 as well as their upcoming next entry in the series PES 2016.

PES 2016 is set to arrive later this year for the Playstation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC, so if you are playing the older game at the moment it is recommended that you upgrade to the newest game.


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