Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection: All Program Advances In Battle Network 1

All of your attacks in the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection – except for your basic buster – will be determined by your Battle Chips. Starting with the first game in the series, you are able to use chips in a specific order or sequence to get bonuses that will make your quest as MegaMan.EXE execute without error.

Program Advances come in multiple “series” in this game. Executing these Advances isn’t too difficult, but the real challenge lies in learning them all and knowing which chips you need to use to activate them. We’ll be your informational NetNavi to guide you through this fun system!

All Mega Man Battle Network 1 Program Advances In Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection

Mega Man Battle Network program advance

There are five categories, or series, of Program Advances in Mega Man Battle Network 1: Zeta series, Omega series, Beta series, Sigma series, and Special series for a grand total of 36 Program Advance possibilities. Let’s break each one down to explain what each series does and how to use them.

Zeta Series

Every Zeta series advance is meant to allow MegaMan to use a specific weapon as often as you want for five seconds. The weapon you get this unlimited use out of is tied to the chips you use to activate it. If you use three of any of the following weapon chips in alphabetical order (For example, Cannon A, Cannon B, and Cannon C,) the Program Advance will activate

  • 3X Cannon
  • 3X Hi-Cannon
  • 3X Mega Cannon
  • 3X Spreader
  • 3X Ratton 1, 2, and 3.
  • 3X Arrow
  • 3X Spear
  • 3X Lance

Omega Series

The Omega series Advances are a pure upgrade over the Zeta series, but instead of triggering with only three chips of the same weapon used in alphabetical order, you need to line five up. The benefits are that the Advance will last twice as long, totaling 10 seconds of free use. The weapons this applies to are the exact same as the Zeta series.

Beta Series

This set of Program Advances is for you wildcards out there who like to play a little risky. When you activate one of the Advances in this series, MegaMan will use any of the chips used to activate the Advance six times. The chips he uses will be random. To trigger a Beta Advance, you need to use three chips that all have identical codes in a specific order. Here are all the possible combinations:

  • Little Bomb B + Cross Bomb B + Big Bomb B
  • Sword S + Wide Sword S + Long Sword S
  • Shock Wave C + Sonic Wave C + Dyna Wave C
  • Quake1 Q + Quake2 Q + Quake3 Q

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection program advance

Sigma Series

The Sigma series, like the Omega, is the more powerful version of the Beta series. This time, MegaMan will randomly use nine chips from the series instead of six, but the advances take five chips to activate.

Special Series

Last but not least, the Special series of advances are the real fun tricks in Mega Man Battle Network 1. These have powerful, unique, and sometimes unpredictable effects in battle. These combinations consist of some of the most powerful attacks in the game, so take note!

  • Powered Cannon: Shotgun K + CrossGun K + Spreader K + Mega Cannon K. Creates a giant cannon that acts like the Spreader weapon, damaging the area around the target. 
  • Heavy Stamp: Gaia1 C + Gaia2 C + Gaia3 C + Quake3 C. MegaMan’s foot becomes a heavyweight and he falls on one enemy, causing the screen to shake. 
  • Big Straight: Guts Punch + Cold Punch + Dash Attack (these all need to have the same code).  MegaMan sends several punches straight forward of him. The damage these punches do is random
  • Blood Stuck: Drain1 A + Drain2 A + Drain3 A + Wave A. MegaMan shoots three big injections in the area. All enemies are damaged, while MegaMan steals back HP. 
  • Death Storm: Typhoon G + Hurricane G + Cyclone G + Repair G. MegaMan uses a huge jet turbine to create a fierce wind storm in the opponent’s area.
  • Guts Shoot: MetGuard G + Dash Attack G + GutsMan (V1/V2/V3) G. GutsMan throws MegaMan straight forward, hitting the first enemy in a row. But, this attack won’t cut through barriers and can’t bypass solid objects.
  • Life Saver: Barrier R + Aqua Aura R + Roll R/Roll2 R/Roll3 R. Roll fully heals MegaMan’s HP and creates an invincibility barrier around MegaMan that lasts for 30 seconds.
  • Double Hero: Fighter Sword B + Knight Sword B + Hero Sword B + ProtoMan B/ProtoMan2 B/ProtoMan3 B. MegaMan.EXE and ProtoMan.EXE tag-team attack the enemy several times with shots and sword slashes.

That’s all you need to know about how to use Program Advances in Mega Man Battle Network 1. If you have any questions or thoughts to add, feel free to comment below!

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