Mirror’s Edge Catalyst delayed to May

The highly anticipated Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has been delayed, developer DICE’s first person parkour game has been revealed to be be now releasing on May 24th of next year, as Electronic Arts has announced.

The game has moved out of a very competitive day, where it was supposed to release on February 23rd of next year which is when Deus EX Mankind Divided as well as Far Cry Primal are supposed to arrive, this delay likely pushes it back to a better release time.

According to senior producer Sara Jansson they want to push the game back and the use the extra time to ensure quality and make the game as entertaining as possible. Jansson had this to say:

“We will use these few extra months to make sure that when you step into the massive City of Glass and experience the rise of Faith, it’s as entertaining, impressive, and memorable as it can be.”

Hopefully this game arrives featuring great quality and will actually be fun, in this case a delay could be a good thing, even if disappointing for fans.

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