Neverending Nightmares is an interesting psychological horror game that arrived on computer a while back, the game explores a personal tale for the developer as it explores his struggles with obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. These type of games are great as explorations of ideas and themes, and now Playstation 4 owners can look forward to exploring this psychological horror experience.
Matt Gilgenbach the creator of Neverending Nightmares announced the news via the Playstation Blog wherein he revealed that the game will be headed to the Playstation 4 and Vita (with cross buy support) on May 4th. For two weeks the game will be on sale on the Playstation Store with a 20% discount for Playstation Plus subscribers.
Matt Gilgenbach describes his game as:
Neverending Nightmares is a psychological horror game that draws on my struggles and experiences of dealing with obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. Through eliciting feelings of darkness and despair and drawing on strong metaphorical undertones, I’m seeking to express my feelings of struggling with mental illness through the game.
Source: Playstation Blog
You can read more on this game in Gilgenback post in the link above.