I think we saw this coming, the Gears of War franchise found its home on the Xbox 360 with four games under its belt, however with a new game coming and the Xbox One, how likely do you think it is that Microsoft and Black Tusk Studios would bring the game over to their dying console, not likely I might presume. But as I already stated we should have seen this coming that the latest entry in the Gears of War franchise would not be coming to the Xbox 360.
This was revealed by Jack Felling a developer over a Black Tusk Studios who is working on the game. Felling tweeted the news to a fan of the franchise when they were asked if the game would appear on Microsoft’s latest-generation console in which Felling replied:
“No sorry, it won’t be available on the 360 but it will be available for the Xbox One!”
So there you have it, last generation Xbox owners may leave disappointed but Xbox One owners should be satisfied with this decision.