“Group up with me!”
If you haven’t had a chance to and you’ve been curious, now’s the time to try out Blizzard’s critically acclaimed GOTY-winning team-based FPS: Overwatch. Since its release in May 2016, Overwatch has had some free-to-play weekends, allowing new and curious players to test the waters without the $40 commitment.
Starting Friday, February 16, and running until Monday, February 19, Overwatch will be completely free to download and play on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. This won’t be a limited version of the game, giving players access to all heroes and maps for the duration. Whatever progress you make while playing this weekend will be saved, if you decide to purchase the game afterwards.
Explore 26 unique heroes, stemming from four main roles: Offense, Defense, Tank, and Support. Enjoy 17 beautifully designed maps, ranging over 10 different game modes. Attempt to balance team compositions, despite having four DPS and no healers. Play some arcade, which features the Lunar New Year seasonal event game mode, Capture the Flag. Open some loot boxes, pray for a legendary. Whatever progress you make, you’ll get to keep.
Whether it’s the excitement of the Overwatch League, a general curiosity, or a desire to join up with some friends who already play, be sure to give Overwatch a shot this weekend. No matter what console you have — PC, PS4, or Xbox One — you’ll have a chance to play. And who knows? Maybe you’ll find out that you really like it.
And to those of you who are already dedicated Overwatch players, be nice to the new players who may not know what they’re doing. Beware the low-tier SR, and prepare to see a massive influx of Junkrats, Reapers, Hanzos, and Genjis. And, most importantly, get ready for some picks!