Following their Remote Raid announcement from yesterday, Niantic has announced another remote event for Pokémon GO. This time, it is a rescheduling of the Abra Community Day, which was initially slated for March 15, but was canceled as most of the world began issuing stay at home orders.
The event has finally been rescheduled, this time as “Community Day: Stay at Home Edition,” and is now slated to take place on April 25 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.
The event is now double the usual duration to make playing at home more comfortable. The event is the same as announced before — Abra will be found more commonly in the wild, with the Shiny variant of Abra being introduced. Any Abra fully evolved into Alakazam during the event period and, for two hours after the event, will know a special move, revealed today to be the fast move Counter.
Catching Pokémon will also award three times as much Stardust. Usually, Lure Modules last for the duration of Community Day, but this time, it is Incense that will last the full time, so players can find Pokémon without having to be near a PokéStop. The company also added some new things for this remote Community Day. There will be a Special Research pass available in the shop for $1 that will reward players with Stardust, a Poffin, and a Rocket Radar, among other things.
There will also be a Community Day Box in the shop for 1480 coins that will give Super Incubators, Ultra Balls, Incense, and an Elite Charged TM. The announcement also notes that there will be a “surprise” in GO Snapshot Mode for the duration of the event.
Niantic is also encouraging players to spend Community Day together with others virtually, using the #PokemonGOCommunityDay hashtag and through Abra-related posts and information on the game’s official Twitter.