For reasons I can’t completely understand Fallout 4 is one of the most anticipated games that hasn’t even been announced yet, and as we know there is constant chatter that the latest game will be at E3 this year. However providing misinterpreting has not happened it appears Bethesda is getting set to reveal the next Fallout game. Bethesda Softworks has opened a teaser site with “Fallout” in the URL, the words “Please Stand By”, and a timer counting down. It is seeming likely that Bethesda is getting ready to reveal a brand new Fallout game we will have to wait and see, though it does confuse me as to why they didn’t wait until E3 the announcement would surely not be forgotten, maybe it is a tease for the announcement at E3 that would be interesting. Either way all shall be revealed soon as the clock counts down and ends at 10:00 am Eastern (7:00 am Pacific, 3:00 pm in the UK) tomorrow, June 3rd.
Possible Fallout countdown website launches, announcement could arrive tommorow
