Scene Investigators: Missing Scenario 2 Guide

The second scenario of “Missing,” the first full case of twist-filled detective game Scene Investigators, takes place in Miami, Florida in 2018. It deals with the tragic events in a house where a cruel man, Phillip, lives with several “girlfriends” who he makes perform various illegal acts for him. As a detective-in-training, you must determine who broke into the house in mid-November 2018, as well as the events that led up to them doing so. This guide will cover all mysteries and their solutions in Scenario 2 of “Missing” in Scene Investigators.

CONTENT WARNINGS for this scenario: animal death, drugs, mentions of prostitution, mentions of abuse

Phillip’s Abuse

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In this scenario, it is recommended that you do not answer the questions in the order presented, as that is not the best way to establish a coherent narrative. Instead, begin with the question “How many times did Phillip physically assault someone in the house between Nov. 7 and Nov. 15?” as this will help you identify who lives in the house and the order in which events occurred.

First, establish who all was living in the house. A man, Phillip, is mentioned as “the boss” who forces various women to work for him. He beats up women if they do not do their jobs By looking at the calendar on the wall, you can find the names of the four women currently working for him: Rose, Emma, Marley, and Stephanie. The last person living in the house is Irene, a young girl who is Phillip and Rose’s daughter.

Look in the room with bunk beds where Emma, Marley, and Stephanie sleep. You can find Emma’s journal which mentions Phillip beating up Stephanie for not earning enough money (incident 1). Then, check the record of profits on the dresser in Rose’s room – she was short one day, which means she must have been beaten up as well (incident 2). Finally, check Irene’s phone on her bed in her room. She sends a text that Phillip is hurting her mother (incident 3). Thus, Phillip physically assaulted people three times.

Emma’s Money

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Check Marley’s phone in the bunk bed room to read a text conversation where Emma is panicking that her money was stolen by a client sometime on the night of November 10. But, if you look at the calendar, Stephanie had a client meeting that night, not Emma.

The answer can be found on one of Phillip’s burner phones next to the safe in Rose’s bedroom. On the 10th, he exchanges texts with a client named Frank, who is furious that a bruised, beaten-up girl (Stephanie) was sent to him. Phillip promises to send another girl, but Frank is dissatisfied and says that he will “get what is owed to him.” Thus, Frank the client is the one who stole Emma’s money.

(By examining Emma’s money pouch, you can also figure out that Rose switched her full pouch with Emma’s empty one. Thus, Rose was the one punished for not earning enough money, not Emma.)

Marley’s Hospitalization

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One of the girls, Marley, was hospitalized due to an incident at a party. This is the most straightforward of the questions in this scenario. Read Rose’s journal (disguised as a sketchbook) on the bed in her room. Rose mentions that Phillip took Marley to a party on November 12 and returned without her. The profit sheet also supports this, as it shows Marley not working from the 12th onward. You can conclude that Marley was hospitalized on 11/12/2018.

Janine’s Fate

Head out into the kitchen and read Irene’s diary, which is in a bag on one of the chairs. She mentions a woman named Janine who previously lived in the house, but left, supposedly to move away. The game asks you whether or not Janine truly moved to another state. The answer, unfortunately, is no. Return to Marley’s phone and read the conversation between her and Emma once again. Marley mentions wanting to leave, and Emma insists that she cannot, saying it’s only been a little while since “she [Janine] tried.” This implies that Janine was killed rather than moving away.

Anton’s Client

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The next question is “who had an appointment with the tattoo artist on the 17th?” This question can be quite confusing. Initially, it may seem like Stephanie is the answer, because she has a note on her bed from Anton the tattoo artist discussing tattoo care. However, read the calendar on the wall – you are investigating the crime scene on 11/15. This means that it can’t be Stephanie, as she already had her tattoo appointment.

Finding who was scheduled for the 17th takes some deductive reasoning. Return to Phillip’s two burner phones and read the text conversation between him and Anton. Anton expresses concern that the woman he is tattooing is “young.” Then, look at Rose’s phone on her dresser. She begs to Phillip not to put Irene to work, as she is too young, but Phillip insists that Irene will be made to earn money for him.

You now know the answer to the question – and it’s a dark one. The person getting tattooed on the 17th was Irene Hayter, and Phillip fully intended to put his young daughter to work performing illegal activities for him.

The Intruder’s Identity

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The last question in this case is the trickiest. Who broke into the house on November 15th? It was not anyone who lived there, but another person, whose identity might be quite surprising.

Check Irene’s diary once more. She mentions meeting a kind man in the park. She keeps the man’s phone number in a box in her room, and he has noted that she can call him whenever she needs anything. Check her phone to see that she sent him a text worried about her mother, and called him several times – so this man is certainly the intruder. But who is he?

Finding the intruder’s identity centers around realizing that the “Missing” scenarios are in fact connected. Compare the handwriting on the note to Irene with Thomas Harrington’s handwriting in the first scenario (found on various documents around the house.) It is a perfect match! Add this to the fact that the scenario takes place in Miami, where Thomas’s fiancee Katherine was originally from, and that Phillip’s texts reveal he was afraid of someone named “Harry,” which could be a nickname for Harrington…and you have to shocking but undeniable truth that the intruder who attacked Phillip and protected Rose and Irene was none other than Thomas Harrington!


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Who stole Emma’s money? Frank

When was Marley hospitalized? (MM/DD/YYYY)  11/12/2018

Did Janine move to another state? No (implication is she was killed)

How many times did Phillip physically assault someone in the house between Nov. 7 and Nov. 15? Three

Who has an appointment with the tattoo artist on the 17th? Irene Hayter

Who is the intruder? Thomas Harrington

Once you have answered all of these questions, you can proceed to the final scenario of “Missing” and bring the tragic story of Thomas Harrington to its conclusion. Of course, while you’re here, you can also check out GameLuster’s other Scene Investigators guides to solve every tricky mystery in this mind-bending game!

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1 year ago

I don’t know if they’re changed the names since this guide was written, but Irene’s last name is actually Haynes, not Hayter. I found it on the maths problem sheet by her bed

10 months ago

Does anyone know what happened to Spike? I don’t understand why he was killed 🙁

8 months ago
Reply to  James

It was mentioned that Spike didn’t like most people in Irene’s diary, so maybe he attacked the intruder?