The third scenario of “Missing” in detective game Scene Investigators finally brings a tricky, interconnected mystery to a close. This case is fairly short and straightforward, but still has a number of twist and turns that can catch unwary players by surprise. Fortunately, this guide will walk you through solving every single mystery in Missing Scenario 3 of Scene Investigators.
Thomas’s Key
This scene takes place in November 2018, just a few hours after the events of Scenario 2. Keep in mind the following facts established during the previous case: Thomas Harrington, having befriended Irene Hayter in a park, broke into the home of her abusive father, Phillip Hayter, to protect Irene and her mother Rose from an assault by Phillip. During the previous scenario, an unidentified apartment key was dropped on the floor of Phillip’s house.
The crime scene of Scenario 3 can be identified as Thomas’s apartment – there is a rent document addressed to him on one shelf. One person entered via the door, leaving boot prints, and one entered via the window. The assumption would be that Thomas used the door to his own apartment – but, remember, he recently dropped his key.
Thus, Thomas is not the person who entered with the key. It is, instead, Phillip Hayter, who picked up the key (now found in the door’s lock) after it was mistakenly left in his house. To further support this conclusion, the boot prints leading to the apartment match the tread on Phillip’s boots, which could be found in his house in Scenario 2. Thomas, having misplaced his key, had to enter his own apartment via the window.
Killer And Victim
The outline on the floor proves that someone was killed here. There were two people present – Phillip and Thomas – but which one is the killer and which the victim? You can find the answer to this question by combining hard evidence found at the scene with deductive reasoning based on what you learned throughout the three “Missing” scenarios.
- There is a photo on the floor near the outline. It matches a photo that was found in Thomas’s wallet in Scenario 1
- Thomas is likely exhausted, having just run to and from Phillip’s apartment to save Rose and Irene
- Thomas would be taken by surprise to find Phillip inside his apartment
- Phillip is known to be an abusive man quickly stirred to anger and violence
- Phillip had access to many weapons, including brass knuckles, knives, and possibly guns
Thus, it can unfortunately be concluded that Thomas Harrington is the victim and Phillip Hayter his killer. At least there is one bright spot – Rose and Irene do seem to have safely escaped Phillip’s grasp, and will hopefully start a new life somewhere far away.
Who entered through the window? Thomas Harrington
Who died here? Thomas Harrington
Who is the killer? Phillip Hayter
This is the unfortunate end to Thomas Harrington’s story. Although you have answered all three questions posed by this case, you can learn further depressing facts by carefully examining Thomas’s apartment. His fiancee, Katherine, committed suicide after being accused of abandoning her children in Case 1. Katherine’s daughter, Hazel, has been missing for over a decade, and Thomas has been fruitlessly searching for her. This has led to Thomas becoming depressed and considering suicide himself. It is implied that Rose might be Hazel, in which case Thomas would have reunited with the woman he considered his daughter only to die immediately afterward.
The tragic tale of Thomas Harrington may have come to an end, but Scene Investigator still has many more cases for eager detectives to take on. Make sure to check out GameLuster’s other Scene Investigator guides for in-depth looks about how to solve each and every mystery this game has to offer!
Similar to Scenario 2, my game has Phillip’s last name as Haynes, not Hayter. Might throw people who didn’t notice the surname last scenario
if you look in the back of “Rose’s” phone you can find the same picture that was on hazel’s desk in scenario 1 (therefore confirming she is hazel)