Sledgehammer games says it is taking full advantage of Next gen consoles with Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare is taking full advantage of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One or so Sledgehammer Games co founder Michael Condrey says.

Condrey has mentioned that that games last gen version does not stand in the way of he studios ambitions.

Here is all Condrey has had to say:

“We really have to thank Activision, not just for the extra year, but for the singular focus. Three years to get to next gen. The current gen game – and there’s more news to come about that – never got in the way of our ambitions, it never stopped us from being super-creative about taking full advantage of the next-gen hardware. It decoupled us from worrying about having to do a split-platform year, like titles had to last year. So that was really refreshing, and gave us some freedom to really go after this one.”

Hopefully the Playstation 4 and Xbox One games will far surpass the other versions of the game and will be really good games full of ideas and future potential even though I feel the title is similar to a Ghost Recon title.

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