Sony is hoping to target the Wii audience for the Playstation 4

Sony has a goal in mind about what they want to achieve with the Playstation 4. Apparently the company is hoping to capture some of the audience and consumers who previously purchased Nintendo’s Wii.

This random little bit of information comes from Sony Computer Entertainment president Andrew House when he was speaking to Eurogamer. This is what he had to say:

“Our big opportunity is to welcome back an audience much earlier in the lifecycle that possibly bought into the Wii previously. Whether it’s based on this is a really good all-round entertainment device for a family in addition to having great games, our consumer data suggests some of those people are already coming in now and that’s what’s contributing to the really great sales we’ve had.”

I personally fail to see how they hope to achieve this but good luck to them. I personally however would one of these numbers only having a Wii for the extent of the last generation console race and having just the other day adopted a Playstation 4 which I have been quite enjoying. Still I don’t se anything coming to the console that would add appeal to the Playstation 4 from the Wii audience but who knows I could be mistaken.

Source: Eurogamer

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