The holy plateau of PC gaming known to this universe as Steam,is having a major sale on tons of Ubisoft products. The sales will be available throughout this weekend,with new deals everyday. Here is a nice list I conjured up for you,so pick out what you want. Here is a link for the sales.
- Splinter Cell Blacklist ($20.39)
- Assassin’s Creed 3 (19.49)
- I Am Alive ($9.74)
- Bloody Good Time ($3.24)
- The Expendables 2 The Game ($9.74)
- Splinter Cell ($2.49)
- Pet Catz 2 ($6.74)
- Pet Horsez 2 ($6.74)
- Ghost Recon Desert Siege ($1.24)
- Rainbow Six Lockdown ( 2.49)
- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter ( $2.49)
- Ghost Recon:Island Thunder ($1.24)
- HAWX ($2.49)
- HAWX 2 ($2.49)
- Splinter Cell Conviction ($4.99)
- Petz Dogz 2 ($6.49)
- Voodoo Dice ($3.24)
- Splinter Cell Double Agent ($2.49)
- From Dust ($9.74)
- Rocksmith ($19.49)
- Far Cry ($6.49 )
- CloudBerry Kingdom ( $6.49 )
- Heroes of Might & Magic V ( $6.49 )
- Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East ($6.49)
- Silent Hunter:Wolves of the Pacific ($6.49)
- Silent Hunter III ( $6.49 )
- Petz Catz 2 ( $6.49 )
- Brain Spa ($6.49)
- Flashback ( $6.49 )
- Endwar ( $6.49 )
- Rayman: Raving Rabbits ($6.49)
- The Sum of All Fears ($6.49)
- Far Cry 2: Fortune’s Edition ( $6.49 )
- Prince of Persia: Sands of Time ( $6.49 )
- Zeit 2 ($6.49)
- Silent Hunter 5:Battle of the Atlantic ($6.49)
- Driver Parallel lines ( $6.49 )
- Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones ($6.49)
- Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood ($6.49)
- Dark Messiah Might and Magic ( $6.49 )
- Ruse ($6.49 )
- Mad Riders ( $6.49 )
- Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway ($6.49)
- Brothers in Arms:Earned in Blood ( $6.49 )
- Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 ($6.49)
- World in Conflict ($6.49)
- Prince of Persia Warrior Within ($6.49 )
- Shoot Many Robots ($6.49)
- Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions of WWII ($6.49)
- Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes ($6.49)
- Cold Fear ($6.49)
- Prince of Persia Warrior Within ($6.49 )
- Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific U-Boats Missions ($6.49)
- Heroes Over Europe ($6.49)
- Babel Rising ($6.49)
- Heroes of Might & Magic V: Hammers of Fate ($6.49)
- Beyond Good & Evil ($12.99)
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover (12.99)
- Assassin’s Creed II ( $12.99 )
- Call of Juarez®: The Cartel ($12.99)
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations ($12.99)
- Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood ($12.99)
- The Settlers®: Rise Of An Empire Gold Edition ($12.99)
- Assassin’s Creed ($12.99)
- Driver: San Francisco (12.99)