Fallout: A Retrospective Review
Nirav takes a deep dive through the history of his favorite games series, Fallout! With everything from the changes throughout …
Nirav takes a deep dive through the history of his favorite games series, Fallout! With everything from the changes throughout …
In perhaps the biggest news of the next console generation yet, Bethesda announced that they are “joining the Microsoft family”. …
It has long been suspected that we wouldn’t be hearing anything about The Elder Scrolls VI in 2020, and possibly …
There’s a running joke related to smart home appliances, that the real test of a new device’s capabilities is how …
It’s been a rough year for Bethesda. If this was a smaller, lesser known company, I wouldn’t be surprised if …
At the Bethesda E3 Press Conference, the studio showed a trailer for the next clip of content coming to Elder …
If there is one thing that the internet has proven, it is the fact that we are crazy about cats. …
Elder Scrolls Online players are up in arms over Steam login issues. Owners of the Steam version of the game …
Xbox One’s large library of backwards compatible titles is becoming a bit bigger with the announcement of 19 new titles …
Closing in now on the final instalment, following are 4 through 2 of my top 10 favourite games. I hope …