Take a look here as Nirav begins his quest to conquer, or dispose of, the games he’s got stashed in his Steam backlog.
Throughout the year, Nirav will download and play at least one hour of every game in my Steam library that he has yet to open. He’ll also be streaming each of these games at twitch.tv/gandheezy, and will after that decide to put it on the shelf (for later) or send it to hell (never play it again). At the end of each month, Nirav will make a video summary like this of what he thought about each game … and each game’s fate. There will be no “backlog” games left in his Steam at the end of 2021.
For those that want to check out Nirav’s Steam Backlog List in advance, you can check it out here. And, for more videos like this, be sure to subscribe to the GameLuster YouTube channel!